kathy ireland® Recovery Centers

Pre-Screen and Comprehensive Assessment

An accurate diagnosis is the fastest way to determine the most effective treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs) and co-occurring conditions. At kathy ireland® Recovery Centers, we conduct a pre-screen and comprehensive assessment to give our clinical team the information they need to create a detailed and personalized plan. We base your level of care and method of treatment on the responses you give during your evaluation.

What to Expect From the Pre-Screen

A member of our admission team conducts the pre-screen interview, which gives us an idea of your treatment goals and helps us determine if you have any medical issues that we cannot currently accommodate. You may be asked to provide information on some or all of the following:

  • Current diagnosis and overall health status, including symptoms, behaviors, and mental state
  • Details about previous instances of treatment for SUD
  • Family history of mental health or substance use disorders
  • Current thought patterns and behaviors
  • Your feelings about our programs, whether it’s our detox, residential, or IOP offerings.
  • Questions or concerns you may have about the program
  • Risk of severe detox or withdrawal
  • Any immediate risk of harm to self or others

After completing the pre-screen, you will be either admitted for treatment or our team will work with you to find you an appropriate placement to meet your clinical needs.

Pre-screen and comprehensive assessment

Comprehensive Assessment and Admission

The comprehensive assessment takes place when you arrive at our our Centers and is designed to help us determine the best treatment plan to ensure you will meet your recovery goals. Once you arrive at our location, a clinician will walk you through the comprehensive assessment, which includes doing the following:

  • Discussing individualized treatment recommendations
  • Collaborating with the clinical team to make a treatment plan
  • Establishing your goals, expectations, and motivations for treatment

Dual Diagnosis and Personalized Treatment

Our pre-screening tools and comprehensive assessment will allow us to present you with the best options for your care. We make the process straightforward so you can complete the evaluation quickly and get the help you need. We also have the ability to treat a wide range of co-occurring mental health disorders. The pre-screening and comprehensive assessment will help us find the best approach for treating co-occurring conditions.

Pre-screen and comprehensive assessment

The admissions process for our programs at kathy ireland® Recovery Centers involves a pre-screen and a comprehensive assessment.

We believe everyone deserves access to high-quality treatment and our screening tools help us provide you with a tailored care plan. Contact us today to set up your pre-screen assessment.

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