kathy ireland® Recovery Centers


Mindfulness Techniques at kathy ireland® Recovery Centers

Our experts embrace mindfulness-based techniques across therapeutic and alternative treatments. These methods reduce stress and offer health benefits, easing symptoms and side effects of substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring conditions. Mindfulness exercises quickly:

  • Sharpen treatment and therapy focus.
  • Reduce stress-related physical symptoms.
  • Cut relapse risks.

What Is Mindfulness?

Daily, you face various situations, thoughts, and concerns about the past or future. Obsessing over uncontrollable aspects can hinder recovery. Mindfulness means experiencing life’s moments and feelings, good or bad, without judgment. It allows thought acknowledgment as natural, aiding in trauma processing and emotional challenges. Mindfulness fosters calmness and concentration during treatment.

  • Enhancing Recovery Through Mindfulness

    Staying present and nonjudgmental boosts recovery by minimizing negative emotional reactions. Research in Substance Abuse highlights stress’s role in increasing substance use and relapse risks. Mindfulness interventions can enhance treatment outcomes by reducing stress. Additional benefits include:

    • Mood stabilization.
    • Physical health improvement.
    • Enhanced self-control and awareness.
    • Boosted concentration.
    • Anxiety reduction.

Combining Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness, paired with meditation, benefits individuals battling SUD. Studies suggest mindfulness training targets neurocognitive mechanisms, offering therapeutic effects on SUDs and preventing relapse. Meditation similarly impacts brain areas, enhancing cognition and mood stability.

Preventing Relapse

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs confirms mindfulness meditation’s role in improving SUD outcomes by boosting self-awareness and coping skills. Successful practice leads to significant brain and body benefits, promoting well-being.

Incorporating Mindfulness Into Daily Life

Mindfulness is versatile, fitting into any routine without disrupting daily activities. Regular practice, especially in stress, becomes second nature. Integrating mindfulness into daily tasks reduces future and past-related stress.

Happy woman canoeing

Mindfulness-Based Therapies in SUD Treatment

While no standardized mindfulness-based therapies exist, they complement evidence-based modalities like mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT). Research shows mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) effectively treat various addictions, lowering abuse and relapse risks by influencing self-regulation and reward processing.

At kathy ireland® Recovery Centers, we tailor therapy to your needs, often combining mindfulness with:

  • Music therapy.
  • Art therapy.
  • Yoga.
  • Meditation.

Mindfulness in Aftercare

Post-treatment, mindfulness techniques learned with us support aftercare program success. These skills foster independence in maintaining long-term sobriety. We ensure continued care by connecting you with supportive organizations and groups.

Mindfulness is a valuable tool that can help you find mental calm and focus for lifelong recovery.

Discover how mindfulness-based therapy can support your treatment at kathy ireland® Recovery Centers. Call us today: (603) 619-1132.

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